Saturday, March 29, 2014

Video: Rob Liotti's No-Holds-Barred Interview With Jay Conroy of ROCKHARDRADIO1

ROCKHARDRADIO1 of New Your City, NY. has released a video on YouTube with presenter, Jay Conroy conducting an in-depth interview with Rob Liotti, star and screenwriter of Bon Scott - The Legend of AC/DC Unauthorised. The interview examines some of the issues pertaining to the much anticipated music docudrama and gives a first glimpse into Liotti's feelings and opinions concerning the project being produced by High Voltage Productions, LLC.

"I had a great interview with Jay, and he asked alot of informed questions," the singer remarked.

He added, "I think he did a great job delving into some of the subject areas that most fans wanted to enquire about. And, frankly, some of the questions put me on the spot, but that is what a good interviewer does, right?"

It has also been reported that High Voltage Productions is currently in talks with another major production company concerning the project. They have been tight-lipped thus far, although they did previously acknowledge the potential deal with NBC Universal that did not come to fruition.

A representative for HVP said, "Like any other responsible production company, we don't want to disclose our negotiations until such time as a solid deal and all have agreed to publicize the union. What is unique about this project is that it has received considerable attention worldwide even before being shot. It is a hot project, and we want to do everything right to see that it meets expectations."

The video may be seen at this link: