Two recent film releases make the reality of the Bon Scott docudrama more feasible. "Jimi : All By My Side" and "Dream Deceivers" (about Judas Priest) have likely done much to clear the way from a legal standpoint for the Bon Scott project in development. The film is prospectively called, "Bon Scott - The Legend of AC/DC Unauthorized."
As the global rock community likely now knows, an American production company, High Voltage Productions, LLC., has been working diligently on the Bon Scott project, but like the two aforementioned flicks, received legal threats from estates and record labels claiming "infringement" amongst other claims. In the case of the Bon Scott project, NBC Universal were the apparent company of interest until their music division nixed the deal due to their control of AC/DC's music catalogue. Attorneys for AC/DC in New York issued threats of action should the project continue and were followed similarly by Bon Scott's estate solicitor in Sydney.
It now seems , however, that judicial rulings have consistently been in favor of filmmakers in the Hendrix and Priest projects paving the way for documentarians to tell a story about public figures. In the case of the Judas Priest doc, legal wranglings have persisted since 1992 over use of copyrighted material in the form of music from the band. In the case of John Ridley's (12 Years a Slave) portrait of Hendrix, he told his story simply absent of actual Hendrix recordings. "Dream Deceivers" pushed the envelope and threshold of the Fair Use Doctrine in law by lobbying the courts for reasonable use of Judas Priest's actual recordings in order to tell the story. They prevailed. In both cases, the filmmakers portrayed the characters using actors or the subjects themselves. In any case, the fact that these two films cleared the courts legally and made it to the media delivery stage creates a clear pathway for the Bon Scott project to follow suit.
According to Director J. R. Getches, the Bon Scott docudrama is set to portray the Aussie rock legend true-to-form: troubled, lonely, a larrikin, a hard drinker, a wordsmith, a sexual rocker, a malcontent.
"We want to portray Bon accurately and capture the mood around him at the time," said Getches. "Rob Liotti, the film's writer and star, tried to painstakingly on point while capturing Bon's spirit in the story, " he added.
The film's star, Rob Liotti, who is slated to portray the late Scott commented, "The Hendrix and Priest films clear the way for this project, although I felt confident all along. We have a First Amendment right to tell this story and we have the ability to utilize the Fair Use Doctrine in assisting us to do so. The rulings in these cases are consistent with nearly everything I have researched regarding the court's feedback on doc filmmaking. We are trying to literally educate the public about this guy's life and tribulations. What the hell is the problem with that?"
Currently, the filmmakers are prepping for the theatrical trailer which will be filmed on location in Charleston, South Carolina, USA. High Voltage Productions recently enlisted Emmy Award winning cinematographer, John Barnhardt, who eagerly joined the team that is rounded out by producer Michael Meltzer. Meltzer has been involved with a number of films and is known for his easygoing approach with those in Hollywood.
The project is in high demand by fans who has longed for such a production. Unfortunately, it is well-known that AC/DC and Albert Productions guard rock's top export sometimes with an unreasonable veracity that may not measure up legally.
"I mean, the band's [AC/DC] lawyers went so far as to attempt to forbid me from speaking to 'current or former members' of the band... Come on! They're reaching. I talk to some of these people. There is zero harm in that, let alone anything illegal," Liotti persisted.
"Look, I have said it numerous times: I am all about supporting AC/DC. Been there, done that for years. Plus, with Malcolm Young's departure from the band, in addition to Bon being deceased, the respect needs to flow both ways. I fully support their artistic efforts and expect the same in return," added the actor.
"We will simply keep pushing until we find the right production fit. We are prepping our package for some companies in our sights who are awaiting our material. Hell, I'll go talk to Bill Murray. He lives 5 minutes away from me. The film is going to happen..."
This is the official movie blog of Bon Scott - The Legend of AC/DC starring Rob Liotti. The film is a docudrama that examines the musical career of late Australian music icon and AC/DC frontman, Bon Scott.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Friday, August 8, 2014
Star of Bon Scott Docudrama Comments On Malcolm Young's Illness and Absence From AC/DC
In a recent statement, Liotti said, "First, I am very saddened to hear about Malcolm's health issues. The guy has been a huge inspiration to me as a guitarist and songwriter, and I feel awful for his family. This is a huge blow to AC/DC as Malcolm has always really been the driving force behind them. Can they function without him? Certainly... Stevie Young is perfectly capable of stepping in for Mal as he did in 1988. However, it is a bit different dynamic with respect to the fact that he has recorded on the upcoming album."
"Stevie [Young] is an accomplished guitarist clearly influenced by his Uncle Malcolm. His work in Starfighters was good stuff, and he clearly cut the mustard when he toured with the band in '88," he continued.
Director J.R. Getches, who is prepping for the trailer said, "John brings a wealth of knowledge and resources to the production side of this. We are excited!" | ||
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Bon Scott Documentary Filmmakers Enlist Emmy Award Winning Cinematographer As Project Moves Forward
Bon Scott fans will undoubtedly be elated as progress moves forward on the widely-reported documentary rockudrama, Bon Scott - The Legend of AC/DC Unauthorised. High Voltage Productions has officially enlisted Emmy Award wielding cinematographer, John Barnhardt, of Barnfly Productions to collaborate on filming of the proper trailer for the project. This has been verified after talks commenced between High Voltage Productions and the filmmaker.
News surrounding the project has been somewhat sparse for the past few months as a potential deal with NBC Universal in London was nixed due to internal conflict within parent company between Universal’s film and music division. Sony, a subsidiary of Universal, now controls AC/DC’s music catalogue, although Albert Productions surely retains options and artistic influence.
The teaming of Barnfly Productions and High Voltage Productions, along with the expertise of Barnhardt, is proof-positive that the project and its principals are moving forward. Barnhardt, a former college film instructor, left the seemingly secure surroundings of academia to cast out and pursue his own passion. Fast-forward six years and the cinematographer has not only scored a coveted Emmy, but has and is traveling the world shooting for Charleston, SC. based Litton Entertainment for eight years, and his work is seen on multiple networks.
According to High Voltage Productions, “John Barnhardt was recommended to us and some within our team were familiar with his work and unredoubtable work ethic.”
The film’s writer and star, Rob Liotti, stated, “John’s work and vision deserve no apologies. He is the real deal. He is an ardent Bon Scott fan, so he gets it. I am certain he will bring a great dynamic to the effort as we move forward. Face it, the better he is, the better I look,” he laughed.
Director J.R. Getches commented, “The addition of John to the team brings considerable experience and resources to the production side of the project.”
It is unclear as to whether the filmmakers are approaching Litton Entertainment, but High Voltage Productions has not ruled out the possibility that letting me be a viable company and we feel may benefit from an interest in this film production.
" As of this time, we have not engaged in any negotiations with Litton Entertainment. However, John [Barnhardt] is clearly associated with and works for them. Naturally, it would make sense to attempt to get an audience with Mr. Morgan at Litton if the opportunity presented itself," Liotti stated.
High Voltage Productions can be reached at ozmoviecasting@gmail.
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Video: Rob Liotti's No-Holds-Barred Interview With Jay Conroy of ROCKHARDRADIO1
ROCKHARDRADIO1 of New Your City, NY. has released a video on YouTube with presenter, Jay Conroy conducting an in-depth interview with Rob Liotti, star and screenwriter of Bon Scott - The Legend of AC/DC Unauthorised. The interview examines some of the issues pertaining to the much anticipated music docudrama and gives a first glimpse into Liotti's feelings and opinions concerning the project being produced by High Voltage Productions, LLC.
"I had a great interview with Jay, and he asked alot of informed questions," the singer remarked.
He added, "I think he did a great job delving into some of the subject areas that most fans wanted to enquire about. And, frankly, some of the questions put me on the spot, but that is what a good interviewer does, right?"
It has also been reported that High Voltage Productions is currently in talks with another major production company concerning the project. They have been tight-lipped thus far, although they did previously acknowledge the potential deal with NBC Universal that did not come to fruition.
A representative for HVP said, "Like any other responsible production company, we don't want to disclose our negotiations until such time as a solid deal and all have agreed to publicize the union. What is unique about this project is that it has received considerable attention worldwide even before being shot. It is a hot project, and we want to do everything right to see that it meets expectations."
The video may be seen at this link:
"I had a great interview with Jay, and he asked alot of informed questions," the singer remarked.
He added, "I think he did a great job delving into some of the subject areas that most fans wanted to enquire about. And, frankly, some of the questions put me on the spot, but that is what a good interviewer does, right?"
It has also been reported that High Voltage Productions is currently in talks with another major production company concerning the project. They have been tight-lipped thus far, although they did previously acknowledge the potential deal with NBC Universal that did not come to fruition.
A representative for HVP said, "Like any other responsible production company, we don't want to disclose our negotiations until such time as a solid deal and all have agreed to publicize the union. What is unique about this project is that it has received considerable attention worldwide even before being shot. It is a hot project, and we want to do everything right to see that it meets expectations."
The video may be seen at this link:
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Bon Scott Docudrama Star Speaks With Radio Personality Jay Conroy

High Voltage Productions, LLC. who is the production company behind the film, stated that "Jay Conroy is a guy who talks with many of rock music's heavyweights... and we felt that he and Rob would mesh well in an interview situation."
The interview is set for first airing on Thursday, February 27, 2014.
HVP, LLC. also reported that, "Jay apparently asked some pretty pointed questions about some of the legal wranglings and threats by AC/DC and the Bon Scott Estate against the project..." which were apparently fielded by their star who also served as a screenwriter.
Interest in the project continues to grow as does the likelihood of being backed and greenlit given the brevity of the project.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Charleston City Paper - Wanted: New Investor for AC/DC Movie. Only Serious Applicants Need Apply

Something feels full circle about seeing your favorite music legend portrayed on the silver screen-Joaquin Phoenix killed it as Johnny Cash in Walk The Line, the Ray Charles’ biopic, aptly called Ray, took Oscar gold, and now the guttural rock and roll voice of AC/DC’s Bon Scott has the chance to be heard through movie theater speakers, and is portrayed by Charleston's own Rob Liotti.
And here's the best part. You hold the power to turn that possibility into reality. High Voltage Productions want you to prove your AC/DC superfan status by campaigning for a new investor to facilitate the making of the film — well, Hell's Bells bitches. The former investing plan [with NBC Universal] fell through, and the movie developers have opted for a different approach this time around before approaching other production companies. Pitching a feasible investing proposal could earn a fan up to $25,000 in finder’s rewards and, of course, the sweet satisfaction of knowing you’re the person who made it all happen. It'll also get you a screen credit so that satisfaction lives on for generations to come. Ideas and serious interest can be expressed to High Voltage Productions, LLC. at
See original article at:
Saturday, February 8, 2014
High Voltage Productions Offering $25,000 Incentive For A Lucky Bon Scott Movie Fan
According to High Voltage Productions, LLC., the American production company developing the highly-publicised Bon Scott docudrama, they have come up with an innovative funding participation method that could help a lucky fan become $25,000.00 richer.
Many filmmakers and artists have taken to the crowdfunding method of raising money for projects from films to music ventures and everything in between. With sites such as Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and Crowdfunder available to fund-seekers, these companies helped raise some $2.7 billion dollars in 2012 according to the Crowdfunding Industry Report. And while it can be a successful outlet for those looking to raise seed money for projects or to fully fund their ventures, the company developing "Bon Scott - The Legend of AC/DC Unauthorised" has revealed that they plan to take a "different approach" to obtaining their backing for the film after their potential deal with NBC Universal in London fells through the cracks likely due to an internal conflict with AC/DC over ownership of their music catalogue.
HVP conveyed that they are prepared to offer a fan(s) "$25,000.00 US in "finder's money" and a screen credit should that fan directly produce a backer/investor to fund the proposed $5M budget for the project."*
"This is a terrific incentive for a fan who wants to see this film put into production!" exclaimed Rob Liotti who is slated to star as the late Aussie singer.
"I think it was a very basic approach to offering a quid pro quo incentive to an individual for providing a backer for this historic project. Basically, as I understand it, if an individual out there puts us in contact with an investor, venture capitalist, or simply a wealthy fan with the desire to back the project, they will be rewarded with a handsome finder's fee. What is cool about this approach is that it puts the ball in the fans' court and gives someone a fantastic opportunity and incentive to 'participate'. Hell, I agree 100% and think it is a great idea..." he said.
A representative of HVP stated that the current state of the project is that they have reached the point in time where they are now ready to seek out their production funding and move onto pre-production.
Interested parties may reach High Voltage Productions at
As the AC/DC tune says, 'Money Talks'...
*Terms and conditions will apply.
Many filmmakers and artists have taken to the crowdfunding method of raising money for projects from films to music ventures and everything in between. With sites such as Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and Crowdfunder available to fund-seekers, these companies helped raise some $2.7 billion dollars in 2012 according to the Crowdfunding Industry Report. And while it can be a successful outlet for those looking to raise seed money for projects or to fully fund their ventures, the company developing "Bon Scott - The Legend of AC/DC Unauthorised" has revealed that they plan to take a "different approach" to obtaining their backing for the film after their potential deal with NBC Universal in London fells through the cracks likely due to an internal conflict with AC/DC over ownership of their music catalogue.
HVP conveyed that they are prepared to offer a fan(s) "$25,000.00 US in "finder's money" and a screen credit should that fan directly produce a backer/investor to fund the proposed $5M budget for the project."*
"This is a terrific incentive for a fan who wants to see this film put into production!" exclaimed Rob Liotti who is slated to star as the late Aussie singer.
"I think it was a very basic approach to offering a quid pro quo incentive to an individual for providing a backer for this historic project. Basically, as I understand it, if an individual out there puts us in contact with an investor, venture capitalist, or simply a wealthy fan with the desire to back the project, they will be rewarded with a handsome finder's fee. What is cool about this approach is that it puts the ball in the fans' court and gives someone a fantastic opportunity and incentive to 'participate'. Hell, I agree 100% and think it is a great idea..." he said.
A representative of HVP stated that the current state of the project is that they have reached the point in time where they are now ready to seek out their production funding and move onto pre-production.
Interested parties may reach High Voltage Productions at
As the AC/DC tune says, 'Money Talks'...
*Terms and conditions will apply.
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