Something feels full circle about seeing your favorite music legend portrayed on the silver screen-Joaquin Phoenix killed it as Johnny Cash in Walk The Line, the Ray Charles’ biopic, aptly called Ray, took Oscar gold, and now the guttural rock and roll voice of AC/DC’s Bon Scott has the chance to be heard through movie theater speakers, and is portrayed by Charleston's own Rob Liotti.
And here's the best part. You hold the power to turn that possibility into reality. High Voltage Productions want you to prove your AC/DC superfan status by campaigning for a new investor to facilitate the making of the film — well, Hell's Bells bitches. The former investing plan [with NBC Universal] fell through, and the movie developers have opted for a different approach this time around before approaching other production companies. Pitching a feasible investing proposal could earn a fan up to $25,000 in finder’s rewards and, of course, the sweet satisfaction of knowing you’re the person who made it all happen. It'll also get you a screen credit so that satisfaction lives on for generations to come. Ideas and serious interest can be expressed to High Voltage Productions, LLC. at ozmoviecasting@gmail.com
See original article at: http://www.charlestoncitypaper.com/HolyCinema/archives/2014/02/12/wanted-new-investor-for-acdc-movie-only-serious-applicants-need-apply
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