According to
High Voltage Productions, LLC., the American production company developing the highly-publicised Bon Scott docudrama, they have come up with an innovative funding participation method that could help a lucky fan become
$25,000.00 richer.
Many filmmakers and artists have taken to the crowdfunding method of raising money for projects from films to music ventures and everything in between. With sites such as Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and Crowdfunder available to fund-seekers, these companies helped raise some $2.7 billion dollars in 2012 according to the Crowdfunding Industry Report. And while it can be a successful outlet for those looking to raise seed money for projects or to fully fund their ventures, the company developing
"Bon Scott - The Legend of AC/DC Unauthorised" has revealed that they plan to take a "different approach" to obtaining their backing for the film after their potential deal with NBC Universal in London fells through the cracks likely due to an internal conflict with AC/DC over ownership of their music catalogue.
HVP conveyed that they are prepared to offer a fan(s)
"$25,000.00 US in "finder's money" and a screen credit should that fan directly produce a backer/investor to fund the proposed $5M budget for the project."*
"This is a terrific incentive for a fan who wants to see this film put into production!" exclaimed Rob Liotti who is slated to star as the late Aussie singer.
"I think it was a very basic approach to offering a
quid pro quo incentive to an individual for providing a backer for this historic project. Basically, as I understand it, if an individual out there puts us in contact with an investor, venture capitalist, or simply a wealthy fan with the desire to back the project, they will be rewarded with a handsome finder's fee. What is cool about this approach is that it puts the ball in the fans' court and gives someone a fantastic opportunity and incentive to 'participate'. Hell, I agree 100% and think it is a great idea..." he said.
A representative of HVP stated that the current state of the project is that they have reached the point in time where they are now ready to seek out their production funding and move onto pre-production.
Interested parties may reach High Voltage Productions at
As the AC/DC tune says, 'Money Talks'...
*Terms and conditions will apply.