Thursday, July 28, 2016

Rob Liotti Cast To Star In Political/Mob Drama "Family Values"

Actor Rob Liotti, who was originally cast as the late Australian singer, Bon Scott, has taken on a new role as a mobster-turned-gubernatorial-candidate, Anthony Morelli, in a dramatic cable pilot called, "Family Values".

The actor recently noted the stark contrast between the characters of the late AC/DC singer and his new role, but did mention that the Bon Scott film "is not dead".

Filmmakers with High Voltage Productions, based in Charleston, SC. USA, experienced resistance from AC/DC and the Bon Scott Estate over the proposed biopic, but a very well known producer in Los Angeles is looking at the project as of this date. Many fans simply do not understand the band's resistance given the international audience awaiting its production, and many fans (and professionals) have stated that the film is not only a tribute to Scott, but also directly promotes the band and exposes them to new paying fans. Nonetheless, AC/DC has resisted involvement with the film or sanctioning the biopic.

Thousands of fans were actually pushing for the band [AC/DC] to give Liotti an opportunity to front the band after longtime lead vocalist, Brian Johnson, experienced hearing issues.

"Yes, I was in contact with the band offering to help them finish their tour, but that decision was up to Angus. Was Axl [Rose] a better choice? In my opinion, no, but it isn't my band. I would have actually made them sound like AC/DC, but he did a decent job," Liotti stated.

The "Family Values" pilot is a clear departure from the rock biopic, but that is expected. Looking at official press photos, it is a vivid transformation as Liotti's character is clearly poised to wreak havoc in the most cerebral of ways as a New York mafia family heir who enters politics.

On board for the pilot are director J.R. Getches and producer Michael Meltzer who worked with Liotti on the Bon Scott film. The pilot is currently in development and preliminary casting is nearly complete.


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